Medical, Healthcare & Biopharmaceutical

Sensitive by nature

The sensitive nature of the data resulting from laboratory research or collected in clinical trials, combined with an exacerbated competition, explains the imperative need to protect all communication between the competent actors.

For their part, the production centers of the pharmaceutical industry are in the midst of a digitalization phase. They are increasingly using connected objects and remote control of machines to automate manufacturing processes with units often deployed on several sites around the world.

Tele-medicine and remote medical services such as consultations, examinations, advice and assistance are developing rapidly and rely on high-quality, resilient but also mainly on the capacity to secure mobile connectivity.

Main Use Cases

– Medical research laboratories concerned about preserving their inventions and wishing to protect sensitive communications.
– Industrial companies that collect and analyze sensitive data during the production flow (IIOT, M2M)
– Manufacturers of hospital and laboratory equipment that provides important information on the use and maintenance of heavy equipment to provide better service to users and reduce maintenance costs.
– Healthcare centers located all over the country that need to connect remotely to medical experts for tele-consultations
– Management teams of large pharmaceutical groups wishing to communicate with their experts, employees and partners in complete confidentiality
– Continuity of operations in the event of a major crisis
– deployment of operational medical capabilities internationally